Alaska-Style Elections
In November 2020, voters approved commonsense election reforms to reduce partisanship and elect leadership committed to moving Alaska forward. The reforms provided greater transparency in finance reporting for state candidate elections, created a single unified primary open to all voters, and empowered voters in the general election to rank candidates in order of preference. These simple, nonpartisan updates to how we choose our leaders will return the power of elections to its rightful place — with the voters.

Open Primaries
The open primary allows every Alaskan voter to vote for any candidate they want, instead of only being able to vote for candidates of a certain party. Voters receive the same ballot with all the candidates listed. Voters pick their favorite candidate and the top four vote-getters advance to the general election.
Benefits of Open Primaries
- Allows all of us to vote for the candidates we want.
- Creates more competition and gives voters more choices.
- Has correlated with more candidates of color and more women running for office.
- Protects voting access for the 60% of Alaskans who do not belong to a political party.

Greater Transparency

Ranked Choice General Election
- Vote for your favorite as your 1st choice, then rank the rest in order of preference.
- Ranking other candidates doesn’t harm your 1st choice.
- Ranking ensures your voice is heard, even if your favorite candidate is eliminated.
Benefits of Ranked Choice Voting
- Ensures that the winner is a candidate with broad, majority support.
- Solves the “spoiler effect” and allows voters to support the candidate they like the most without fear of helping their least favorite candidate.
- Encourages positive campaigning and rewards candidates who appeal to a bigger pool of voters, rather than one extreme or the other.